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Soft controls

Soft controls: important and actionable!

The modern definition of management control indicates that it is all about "taking measures that influence employee behavior so that we achieve goals. The Corporate Governance Code also emphasizes the importance of culture, attitude and behavior. And for good reason. Many scandals can be traced back to social aspects, such as cooperation, leadership, motivation and exemplary behavior. But how do you apply soft controls in an audit or investigation? And what other possibilities are there than just applying Kaptein's eight factors?

ARC People can help you answer those questions by:

  • Conduct an investigation or audit of soft controls within your organization (with you).
  • Knowledge transfer on the application of soft controls, in the form of a short workshop or multi-day training.

More information on this topic

Are you interested in learning more about this topic? If so, please contact me or one of my colleagues. We are ready to answer your questions and help you further.

Our expert team, with years of experience, is ready to support you and offer personalized advice tailored to your specific situation. We strive to respond to your inquiries as quickly as possible so that you are always helped quickly.

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