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ORSA (Own Risk Solvency Assessment)

Own Risk Solvency Assessment

Within Solvency II, the Own Risk and Solvency Assessment (ORSA) is considered the heart of the framework. The periodic ORSA integrates business planning, risk management and capital management activities. With the ORSA, a (re)insurer performs a forward-looking assessment of the adequacy of available capital (solvency). As an insurance company, you are required to prepare an ORSA (at least) annually.

For proper ORSA reporting, different sources and areas of expertise should be consulted (think financial, actuarial, strategic and operational risk). Obviously, the insurer's own risk profile, tolerance limits and business strategy must also be taken into account. ORSA expertise is a scarce expertise that ARC People has in-house. ARC People has supervised ORSA processes for various clients and has provided the necessary expertise to ensure proper coordination.

Learn more about ORSA

Are you interested in learning more about this topic? If so, please contact me or one of my colleagues. We are ready to answer your questions and help you further.

Our expert team, with years of experience, is ready to support you and offer personalized advice tailored to your specific situation. We strive to respond to your inquiries as quickly as possible so that you are always helped quickly.

Marc van Heese RO RE CIA

